Monday, 1 September 2008


It can be quiet a struggle to watch all the live football games on tv if you don't have a digital tv sports package and we are all aware of the credit crunch and the need to save that extra £10 a month, so here are 7 ways to get by without:

  1. Go to the pub, most pubs nowadays know the added value of showing live games, you can get a pint for £2 and nurse it for the duration of the football.
  2. Drop by your friends house just in time to catch the football, you'll probably get a free cup of tea and a biscuit too!
  3. If you live in a street where you can see into your neighbours window then perfect! Pull up a seat open a can and just hope they don't shut the curtains.
  4. It's not exactly watching it but you can listen to live games on the radio, just sit back close your eyes and visualise!
  5. If you can be bothered to search for pages and pages of "free" online live games sites, then i'm sure you would find one that actually is free.
  6. Blag a season ticket for a game from your dad/uncle john/best buddy, tell them its your birthday or something, you never know do you!
  7. Start supporting a local amatuer team instead of a bigwig team, you can see them live whenever you like at a local football pitch near you.


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